Friday, 10 October 2014

SSRS - Repeat Header using Tablix/Table Properties

Using this steps we can repeat the column header on scrolling in SSRS Reports.
for getting the result we have to follow the steps shown below.
1.Right Click on Tablix.

2.goto Tablix Propeties.


SQL - Get First Value of Every Category | Using While Loop

create table #temp
(id int,
monthDate date,
value int)

insert into #temp values(1,'1/1/2014',10)
insert into #temp values(1,'1/2/2014',15)
insert into #temp values(1,'1/3/2014',20)
insert into #temp values(2,'1/4/2014',25)
insert into #temp values(2,'1/5/2014',19)

declare @min int,@max int
select @min=MIN(ID) from #temp
select @max=MAX(ID) from #temp

select * from #temp

select top 0 * into  #res 
from #temp


declare @minDT date
set @minDT=(select MIN(MonthDate) from #temp where id=@min)

insert into #res
select *
from #temp
where ID=@min
and Convert(Date,monthDate,103)=Convert(Date,@minDT,103)

set @min=@min+1

select * from #res

drop table #res
drop table #temp


Thursday, 9 October 2014

SSRS - Repeat Tablix Header on Page Scroll

1. Create a SSRS report 

2.Follow the Step 

3. Change Property of the Selected "Static"

Now Check the result. 

Monday, 6 October 2014

SSRS - Show Chart Label on Condition Data Label of Chart Go to Visible Property.

=IIF(Cstr(Format(Fields!Date.Value,"dd-MMM"))="01-Oct" or Cstr(Format(Fields!Date.Value,"dd-MMM"))="06-Oct",True,False)

SSRS - Add Strikethrough to Textbox Value

Add Stikethrough style to textbox in SSRS Report.