This type of warning you got while working with stored procedure.
Warning : Database name <databasename> ignored, referencing object in tempdb.
Causes: while working with the temporary table you might be used the temp table reference with schema.
ex: select * from databasename.dbo.#tmpTable
this syntax gives you a warning message
Don't use reference in your query.
ex: select * from #tmpTable
Sql server will auto manage the temp table with the different different database temp table in tempdb.
Warning : Database name <databasename> ignored, referencing object in tempdb.
Causes: while working with the temporary table you might be used the temp table reference with schema.
ex: select * from databasename.dbo.#tmpTable
this syntax gives you a warning message
Don't use reference in your query.
ex: select * from #tmpTable
Sql server will auto manage the temp table with the different different database temp table in tempdb.